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Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Mexico (CESCR 17-04-2018)
The Committee considered the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Mexico (E/C.12/MEX/5-6) at its 2nd and 3rd meetings (see E/C.12/2018/SR.2 and E/C.12/2018/SR.3), held on 12 and 13 March 2018. At its 28th meeting, held on 29 March 2018, the Committee adopted the following concluding observations.
Concluding observations
C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations
- Although the Committee takes note of the existence of a federal law on the prevention of discrimination and the fact that the 32 federative entities also have anti-discrimination legislation, it is concerned that the lack of legislative harmonization makes it impossible to provide adequate and equal protection against the types of discrimination prohibited under the Covenant. It is also concerned at the persistent discrimination faced by specific groups and the fact that there are no appropriate policies to combat the multiple discrimination faced by certain groups, such as indigenous women with disabilities (art. 2).
- The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Review and harmonize its legislation in order to establish a comprehensive legal framework that guarantees a similar level of protection for all persons in the State party against all the types of discrimination enumerated in article 2 (2) of the Covenant;
(b) Redouble its efforts to prevent and combat persistent discrimination, in particular against members of indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, persons with disabilities, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, including by carrying out awareness-raising campaigns, with a view to ensuring the full exercise of the rights recognized in the Covenant, particularly access to employment, social security, health care and education;
(c) Adopt specific policies, in consultation with the affected groups, to combat the multiple discrimination faced by some persons.