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UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Uruguay (CRPD 30-09-2016)
The Committee considered the initial report of Uruguay (CRPD/C/URY/1) at its 269th and 270th meetings (see CRPD/C/SR.269 and 270), held on 15 and 16 August 2016, respectively. At its 288th meeting, held on 29 August 2016, it adopted the following concluding observations.
Concluding observations
B. Specific rights (arts. 5-30)
Protecting the integrity of the person (art. 17)
43. The Committee is concerned that the State party continues to implement Act No. 9581 of 1936 on psychiatric care and the mental health regulations issued by the Ministry of Health.
44. The Committee recommends that the State party amend Act No. 9581 of 1936 and the mental health regulations issued by the Ministry of Health to require in all cases, without exception, the free and informed consent of persons with disabilities, including those whose legal capacity has been revoked, as an essential prerequisite for any surgery or medical treatment, especially those of an invasive nature and whose effects are irreversible, such as sterilization and procedures on intersex children.