International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Netherlands (CERD 16 November 2021)

The Committee considered the combined twenty-second to twenty-fourth periodic
reports of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, submitted in one document, at its 2828th and
2829th meetings, held on 16 and 17 August 2021 in virtual format due to the coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) pandemic. At its 2834th meeting, held on 24 August 2021, it adopted
the present concluding observations.

Concluding observations on the combined twenty-second to twenty-fourth periodic reports of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

C. Concerns and recommendations

Situation of refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants

  1. The Committee is concerned by reports that stereotypes may occur while assessing asylum claims based on sexual orientation. The Committee is also concerned by the barriers that undocumented persons face in accessing health care (art. 5).
  1. The Committee recommends that the State party engage in a dialogue with civil society organizations working with and on the issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex asylum seekers to explore possible improvements to assessments of such asylum seekers’ claims. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that essential medical treatment is accessible for undocumented persons throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands and that undocumented persons as well as medical professionals are aware that all persons residing unlawfully in the Kingdom are entitled to essential medical treatment.
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