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UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Uruguay (CEDAW 25-07-2016)
The Committee considered the combined eighth and ninth periodic reports of Uruguay (CEDAW/C/URY/8-9) at its 1417th and 1418th meetings, on 14 July 2016 (see CEDAW/C/SR.1417 and 1418). The Committee’s list of issues and questions is contained in CEDAW/C/URY/Q/8-9 and the responses of Uruguay are contained in CEDAW/C/URY/Q/8-9/Add.1.
Concluding observations
C. Principal areas of concern and recommendations
Stereotypes and discriminatory practices
- The Committee welcomes the measures taken by the State party to eliminate discriminatory gender stereotypes, including legislation to combat discrimination against lesbian, transgender, transsexual and intersex persons and homophobia, but remains concerned at:
(a) The persistence of patriarchal attitudes and discriminatory stereotypes about the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, which perpetuate violence and discrimination against women in areas such as education, employment and health;
(b) The widespread use of gender stereotypes in the media, notwithstanding the adoption by the national television channel of a code of ethics to monitor discriminatory practices;
(c) The racism, prejudice and social exclusion suffered by Uruguayan women of African descent, notwithstanding the existence of general laws aimed at combating racial discrimination.
- The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Develop a comprehensive strategy tailored to women, men, girls and boys in order to overcome patriarchal and gender-based stereotypical attitudes about the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family, in the education system, in the workplace and in society as a whole;
(b) Build the capacity of public and private media employees on gender equality in order to prevent discriminatory gender stereotypes in the media;
(c) Design national strategies aimed at raising awareness about discrimination against Uruguayan women of African descent and create specific lines of action within the gender equality agenda aimed at identifying stigma against women on the basis of intersecting forms of discrimination.