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UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Ecuador (CAT 11-01-2016)
The Committee against Torture considered the seventh periodic report of Ecuador (CAT/C/ECU/7) at its 1462nd and 1465th meetings (see CAT/C/SR.1462 and 1465), held on 8 and 9 November 2016, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 1490th meeting, held on 28 November 2016.
Concluding observations
Positive aspects
- The Committee commends the State party’s efforts to adjust its policies and procedures in order to ensure greater protection for human rights and to apply the Convention, in particular:
(a) The implementation of a plan to provide training to the armed forces in the prevention of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
(b) The adoption of a protocol for the treatment of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community who are deprived of their liberty (Ministerial Agreement No. 1265 of 4 July 2016);
(c) The adoption of regulations on prison labour (Ministerial Agreement No. MDT-2005-0004 of 22 May 2015);
(d) The transfer of the management and delivery of prison health services to the Ministry of Public Health, pursuant to Interministerial Agreement No. 00004906 of 26 June 2014;
(e) The updating, in 2014, of the National Plan for the Eradication of Gender Violence against Children, Adolescents and Women and the adoption of an action plan for the period 2015-2017;
(f) The adoption of the National Plan for Good Living (Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir) 2009-2013.