Ukraine (CESCR 02-04-2020) - The Committee considered the seventh period report of Ukraine (E/C.12/UKR/7) at its 8th and 9th meetings (see E/C.12/2020/SR.8 and 9), held on 20 and 21 February 2020, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 30th meeting, held on 6 March 2020.


Germany (CESCR 27-11-2018) - The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights considered the sixth periodic report of Germany (E/C.12/DEU/6) at its 31st and 32nd meetings (see E/C.12/2018/SR.31 and 32), held on 25 September 2018, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 58th meeting, held on 12 October 2018.


The Committee considered the eighth periodic report of Senegal (CEDAW/C/SEN/8) at its 1856th and 1857th meetings (see CEDAW/C/SR.1856 and 1857), held online on 10 February 2022. The Committee’s list of issues and questions raised by the pre-sessional working group is contained in CEDAW/C/SEN/Q/8, and the responses of Senegal are contained in CEDAW/C/SEN/RQ/8.

2022-09-22T11:40:36+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: CEDAW, UN|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |


Belize (CCPR 11-12-2018) - The Committee considered the initial report of Belize (CCPR/C/BLZ/1) at its 3540th and 3541st meetings (CCPR/C/SR.3540 and 3541), held on 15 and 16 October 2018. At its 3559th meeting, held on 29 October 2018, it adopted the following concluding observations.

2020-08-20T12:26:06+00:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: CCPR, UN|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |


Lebanon (CCPR 09-05-2018) - The Committee considered the third periodic report of Lebanon (CCPR/C/LBN/3) at its 3460th and 3470th meetings (see CCPR/C/SR.3460 and 3470), held on 15 and 22 March 2018. At its 3482nd meeting, held on 3 April 2018, it adopted the present concluding observations.

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