Poland (CEDAW 14-11-2014) - The Committee considered the combined seventh and eighth periodic reports of Poland (CEDAW/C/POL/7-8) at its 1249th and 1250th meetings, on 22 October 2014 (see CEDAW/C/SR.1249 and 1250). The Committee’s list of issues and questions is contained in CEDAW/C/POL/Q/7-8 and the responses of Poland are contained in CEDAW/C/POL/Q/7-8/Add.1.


Hungary (CRC 03-03-2020) - The Committee considered the sixth periodic report of Hungary (CRC/C/HUN/6) at its 2436th and 2437th meetings (see CRC/C/SR.2436 and 2437), held on 22 and 23 January 2020, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 2460th meeting, held on 7 February 2020.

2023-08-04T14:48:14+00:00August 4th, 2023|Categories: CRC, UN|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


Tunisia (CESCR 14-11-2016) - Le Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels a examiné le troisième rapport périodique de la Tunisie sur l’application du Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (E/C.12/TUN/3) à ses 57e et 58e séances (voir E/C.12/2016/SR.57 et 58), les 22 et 23 septembre2016, et a adopté, à sa 78 e séance, le 7 octobre 2016, les observations finales ci-après.

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