View between two long rows of archive material in which a person is looking for the right file.


Find what you’re looking for

All pages on this website that refer to institutions, countries, recommendations, statements, and resolutions are marked with tags. As a result, information can be found quickly and easily.

Find with tags

The text is coded with five types of tags:

  • Based on the country to which the document refers.
  • Based on the region in which the country is located.
  • Based on the year in which the document was published.
  • Based on the institution that published the document.
  • Generic tags.

The easiest way to find information is via the links below.

Institutions (30)

Regions (7)

Countries (121)

Year of publication (15)

Generic Tags (98)

Find documents with the search engine

The links above do not allow a combined search, e.g. ‘What recommendations has CAT made in 2014?’. The search engine does offer that possibility. To do so, i:cat p:2014 must be entered in the search field 1Click on the magnifying glass in the menu bar to see the search field.; i: and p: ensure that specific searches are made for the institution and the year of publication respectively. More ways to use the database:

  • i:crc searches for publications of the UN Children’s Rights Committee,
  • p:2015 searches for documents published in 2015,
  • c:germany searches for documents related to Germany,
  • r:asia searches for documents relating to countries in the region Asia,
  • intersex searches for documents containing the word intersex,
  • intersex specific searches for documents containing the words intersex and specific,
  • “intersex specific” searches for documents in which intersex and specific are juxtaposed.

The search function only supports ‘and’, not ‘not’ and ‘or’. You can combine search terms, but at the moment there are only a limited number of documents in the index, so it is likely that a complex search will result in “nothing found”.

Results by organisation or group

In this (experimental) presentation you can select an intergovernmental organizations or a UN regional group and see which countries in that group have received one or more recommendations on intersex rights from one or more UN Treaty Committees. States for which no recommendations on intersex rights are known are not shown.

[tag_groups_shuffle_box hide_empty=1 append=” ({count})” largest=12 smallest=12 show_not_assigned=1 custom_title=”” div_id=”tagcloud_div”  div_class=”tagcloud-class” show_filter_all_groups=0 show_text_filter=0] [tag_groups_alphabetical_index column_count=3 keep_together=0]

Ratified ETS No.164
Countries that have signed and ratified ETS N0. 164 (Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine). This Convention is the only international legally binding instrument on the protection of human rights in the biomedical field.  Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and Ukraine have signed this treaty, but never ratified it. Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Russian Federation, and United Kingdom have not signed the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (also known as the Oviedo Convention).
